I have loved drawing since I was very small but honestly never put much stock in it. I couldn't paint I could do half way decent portraits with graphite pencils and could doodle like a maniac. But I was an artist in other genres. I was gonna act or sing, drawing was a hobby, a hobby I truly loved, but a hobby none the less.
Well needless to say life went one way and my aspirations to act and sing went another.
Shortly after my son was born (July 2010) I was faced with raising him on my own and I needed an income (that wasn't blockbuster. So I got an office job with a company that a family I've known my whole life owned. It pays the bills but just barely (mind you while I also live in a very small apartment with my mother) so this really isn't cutting for the long term.
Constantly lectured by my father for not having a plan and always taking the hard road was my reminder that I needed a better plan then the "clerical" gig I was working. I considered make up art for a moment since special fx always interested me, but the academy I wanted to go to was incredibly demanding and expensive neither of which I could coupe with while raising my then 1 year old son.
So while working in the office one day and waiting on hold for what seemed like eternity I doodled. I doodle at work while on the phone constantly, in fact some of my best work is on my desk calendar. And that's when I realized it; Why had I never considered being an artist?!
So some quick research brought me to the website of The Animation Academy. I checked into it and the tuition was reasonable. The website said that having some form of online gallery of my work would be a plus. When Charles Zembillas (the fonder and teacher at the school)called to talk about enrolling me I was ecstatic.
So September 4th I started Character Design I and instantly loved being there.
I am now in my second semester at TAA and still in love with school. My work has improved immensely since enrolling and I am working to being the artist I want to be.